
03.12 Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
There is a man who lost and grounded in an island. He only has spyglass and cell phone. Even he have a cell phone, unfortunately he doesn’t remember any number that he knows. He takes the spyglass and uses it to see around the island. Suddenly he look a girl in swimsuit on a boat which not too far from him. Slowly he begins to approach her. The girl is beautiful. He courage himself to ask the girl. He said, “Excuse me miss, “Do you know where are we now and what island is this?”. The girl seems confuse and just starring at him. He repeat the questions and the same reaction he got. Then suddenly the girls give voice to the man that does not understand. He then realized that the girl's ragged. Then the men saw the boat and see that there are clothes made from animal skin. Men may think this girl is Tarzan. Suddenly the girl jumped out the boat and the men of interest. Then they rush to enter the island. Men are taken to a cave. Many of the animals there, such as bears, monkeys, birds, etc. Then the girls talk on the animals with the language that is not understood. Animals that approached the men, and be gentle. Because the girl does not understand the language, the man was talking on the sign language that there are girls understand. Finally, the men decided to stay and accompany the girls on the island.

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